Decided to have a little date with each of the girls... One on one. Bella's date was this last weekend. She said she really wanted to go swimming. We were headed to beautiful Coronado. ( and this weekend was awesome weather)
Got a deal for Loews resort. I've only been there for a wedding. Nice resort. We check into our room and first thing Bella wants to do is unpack. She is so like her daddy. Top drawer, morning clothes, middle drawer-day time clothes, and last drawer, night time clothes. This girl!!!

We played in the pool for hours. I mean I swam and played for hours. I don't think I've done that in like 10 years?! I was throwing her, racing her, playing spider web. We played hard.

Next stop was out to dinner...she wanted Italian, so we hit up village pizza with a killer view. We had such a nice time chatting, visiting...

After dinner, we walked around...did a little shopping. Bella asked if we could get matching shell necklaces so we could remember the weekend. Awww.

Sleepover, just us back at the hotel.

Next morning, Bella asked if we could order room service...sure, why not!?

There was a phone in the bathroom and a phone in the room. Each time one of us went to the bathroom, we sang "call me maybe" and the other would pick up the line.

Next stop, boomers-mini golf and arcade.

The best part of the trip...bell coming home and running to a secret spot to give me something! She runs and gets me a THANK U CARD!!! Omg. I was dying. She wrote it before we left...

I asked her how she knew we would have fun, and she said, "cuz I always have fun with you mom".
Ohhhh. Love this girl. Cherish this weekend with her.
Excited for caleighs weekend too.