To pay tribute to my baby girl...here are a few things that make her so special....she has a smile that can light up a room...she is SUCH a happy girl. She goes CRAZY when she sees dogs...soooo excited. She loves choo choo trains but gets scared when they are closeby so holds me so tight, with one eye open to peak. Every time I pull into the garage she says "drive, drive" and has to sit up in my seat for at least a minute and pretend to drive. She is tough. She is funny. She loves to pose for pictures. She is a go getter and isn't afraid to give it a shot. She is a snuggler. She likes puzzles. She is obsessed with her Nana painting her nails. She likes telephones. She could watch Diego 24 hours a day if I allowed it. She likes flip flops-especially the kind her sister wears with "no backs" but can't walk in them for the life of her. She likes wearing Bella's underpants, she puts them on over her diaper-I broke down and bought her own few pairs. She is really easy to put down for a nap. She is beginning to throw one mean temper tantrum (welcome to the terrible 2's). She loves being naked in the backyard

-for some reason, whenever she is playing back there, she takes off her clothes. She squeals in delight. She absolutely adores her big sister Bella (and they are really great friends). She likes playing restaurant. She loves to put money in her piggy bank. She likes wearing sunglasses, but a hat...not so much. Caleigh melts my heart and I love her so so so much!!!
she got a helmet& umbrella for her bday-arent we practical-and she was thrilllled)For Caleigh's actual birthday (Sept. 4) we celebrated it in Orange County, at my parents house with her twin cousins, Adam and Benjamin, who share the exact same birthday. What are the odds of me and my sister having babies on the same exact day and year?! Crazy huh? Its really fun. Those three are the cutest together and really share a very special bond. After a day at Nana & Pops' house, we went to the beachhouse in San Clemente. A lot of fun.
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