Bijan had the week off for Thanksgiving. It was so great having him home. My cousin Christopher stayed with us for a few days-we went to the zoo and Balboa Park. Bijan also did some "work"...started the backsplash project in the kitchen. Looks awesome! For Thankgiving, we headed up to Orange County for a few days...my mom and dad hosted Tgiving with about 25 of us!! (did I mention a 50 minute ride took us 2 1/2 hours!!!) Great to see my brother and sister, aunt, uncle, and many cousins. Bijan's mom and step dad came up too. Nice day of eating, visiting, drinking, ping pong, and more eating! The day after Tgiving Bijan and my dad carried on Barnum tradition and hung the lights outside while Bella and I broke down and went to the doctor. I braved Black Friday and went down the street to ToysRUs-buuuut quickly walked out when I saw that the line was literally wrapped around the entire store! After we got back to San Diego we put up all our Christmas decorations-both inside and out (go Bijan). I am sad for B to go back to work tomorrow. We always have so much fun with Daddy home!
gorgous pics!