Tomorrow is Shane's 2 week birthday. He has been home for three days now. Its been a bit a whirlwind week...Bijan went back to work on Monday, and scheduled all kinds of meetings/appts this week...we thought Shane was coming home this weekend. The hospital got Shane started on a three hour feeding schedule, so he eats every three hours...we even set alarms in the middle of the night to wake him up...midnight, 3, 6, 9...etc. The sleep deprivation does kinda suck, but I have to admit that I really like our quiet time together...just my baby and I...its a very special time for me, without any noise or distractions...
The girls have been awesome with their baby brother. They are always asking if they can hold him, if they can help me...its really sweet...and so sincere. They are obsessed with the monitor...espeically the video camera one...constantly checking on him, looking at him. Right now, all Shane does is sleep and eat---so we've been able to really do our normal thing. I am trying to keep Shane away from the big bad world out there...I wasn't really that way with the girls, but since he is a preemie and all-I don't want to take any risks. So the whole cabin fever is getting to me a bit, but besides that, I am good.
forgot how teeny tiny they start off.
My recovery from the c-section is really good. I am off any sort of pain meds-have been all week-and I started driving on Monday (a week after surgery). Dr. says to wait 2 weeks before driving, but thats mostly cuz the pain medication makes ya loopy and tired. My emotions are a bit whacked (but hey, they kinda always are-ha ha). I have been really emotional, really grateful, really overwhelmed with love and support from friends and family. I just feel so totally blessed. And now that Shane is here, I just honestly can not imagine life without him. Its crazy how your heart expands with each child.