Friday, January 29, 2010


Silly little girls.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Photography 101

So I am taking a digital photography class-thru UCSD.  Its pretty cool.  Learning how to use my camera.  It has so many buttons and functions that I just never used cuz I didn't know what any of the terms meant.  Now I do---well... I don't reallllllly know what it all means-but I kinda sorta do.  I really have a new appreciation and respect for really good photographers.  Its not easy, but they make it look effortless.  My first assignment was to shoot landscape.  I don't just love either of these pictures, but thought they are much better than I've taken in the past.  While we were down at the beach I shot some of Bijan and the girls...

Bijan asked me today, "Is this how its going to be now"?  I asked, "What do you mean?"  He said, "Taking like hundreds of pictures all the time"?  For right now...the answer is yes.  I will be taking hundreds of pictures...all the time!  :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Bella told me, "Daddy has a really big nibble." 

Hmmmm...uh...what is a nibble?

According to Bella, a nibble is the area right above your lip and below your nose...that dip area. 

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Blind Side

We went to see the Blind Side this week.  Great movie.  Great story. Totally inspriational and touching.   For some reason, it left me all mopey. I felt sad that the work I used to do...teaching inner city kids-was well...gone. I have always really really loved teaching.  I loved working with less fortunate kids. It was my passion.  Of course, I know, I can go back and teach. Nope, not saying I am ready to go back.  Most days I am so happy to be home with the kids.  I feel really lucky to be able to, but sometimes...some moments...I really miss teaching.  When I saw that was one of those moments.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Little Dancers

Bijan has been off work for three weeks now.  Its been awesome having him home.  This week we took the girls to their first dance class together.  I had signed them each up for back to back classes-but not enough kids signed up so the teacher combined the 2.  The girls were thrilled to be dancing together.  They learned some new moves, and got to dress up in princess gear.  Daddy was such a good sport and put on the little Aladdin vest for dress up (doesn't he look thrilled)? ;) Its been special doing these sorts of things with B while he's been home...